Monday, August 23, 2010

Miners May be Trapped for 120 MOre Days, but Kept Alive

Miners in Chile who had been presumed dead, were all found alive on Sunday, as a drill broke through to where they were and they sent two notes back saying that all 33 were still alive. The miners have been trapped since August 5.

Rescue workers are having a lifeline built to where the 33 miners are trapped, which will keep them supplied with necessities such as food, water and medicine, along with being able to communicate to them for the rest of the ordeal.

Families of the workers, along with the nation, celebrated the news.

Estimates are it could take up to four months for them to cut a tunnel wide enough to pull the men out.

A huge machine which uses a diamond-tipped drill will be used for the rescue tunnel to take the men out, which can carve a tunnel big enough to pull a man out. It can cut through at a rate of close to 65 feet a day through solid rock.

The miners are trapped over 2,257 feet below the surface.

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