Thursday, February 25, 2010

Rand Paul on Kentucky Coal

Rand Paul on Coal

Responding to a smear campaign from his fading political opponent, Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson, Rand Paul defended himself against accusations from Grayson that he was not a friend of the coal mining industry, which is a strong part of the economy of eastern Kentucky.

In a TV interview, Paul responded to the Grayson ads saying, "I'm against Cap and Trade. I'm for reigning in the EPA because I think they're limiting the permit process. I'm for allowing mountain top removal of coal. That doesn't sound like I'm very anti-coal, and yet he takes a quote out of context from two years before, where I say that there are cleaner forms of energy that we will eventually evolve to. That doesn't mean I'm against coal."

Paul also went on the offensive, showing a video of Grayson supporting bringing in nuclear powered plants after the coal-fired plants are taken out of the picture.

Rand Paul on Coal


McClarinJ said...

Most of Paul's ad must have been in the can just waiting for Grayson to pull something. Credit his campaign for snappy response and waiting for Grayson to make the first move rather than going on the offensive against practically dead opposition.

McClarinJ said...

Most of Paul's ad must have been in the can just waiting for Grayson to pull something. Credit his campaign for snappy response and waiting for Grayson to make the first move rather than going on the offensive against practically dead opposition.

McClarinJ said...

Most of Paul's ad must have been in the can just waiting for Grayson to pull something. Credit his campaign for snappy response and waiting for Grayson to make the first move rather than going on the offensive against practically dead opposition.

McClarinJ said...

Most of Paul's ad must have been in the can just waiting for Grayson to pull something. Credit his campaign for snappy response and waiting for Grayson to make the first move rather than going on the offensive against practically dead opposition.