Thursday, November 8, 2012

Adjustments Announced for Rogers International Commodity Index (RICI)

In a press released Wednesday, November 7, Jim Rogers and Beeland Interests, Inc. announced it was making a couple of adjustments to the Rogers International Commodity Index (RICI).

The press released said this:

The RICI Committee has decided to replace ICE Coffee (2.0% Index Weight) with NYSE Liffe Coffee. In addition, ICE Cocoa (1.0% Index Weight) will be replaced by NYSE Liffe Cocoa. The addition of NYSE Liffe Cocoa, traded in GBP, will add that currency to the Index. These changes will be implemented during the January 2013 roll period, occurring at the end of January 2013.

According to the press release, RICI, which was created in 1997-1998, has jumped by 266 percent since in inception of the Index, and as of the end of October 2012.

Rogers is one of the foremost and most well-known commodity investors in the world.

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