Saturday, September 25, 2010

Rand Paul Gets Backing of National Federation of Independent Business

Dynamo Rand Paul has picked up another business endorsement, this time the National Federation of Independent Business, a week after the U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced they were supporting Paul, and were going to launch a $500,000 advertising campaign in Kentucky.

The U.S Chamber of Commerce ad campaign notes that Paul's Obama Democrat opponent, Kentucky attorney general Jack Conway, supported cutting Medicare through his backing of Obamacare.

Kentucky state director of the National Federation of Independent Business, Tom Underwood, said they won't be launching a TV ad campaign, but will be sending out mailings to about 7,000 members of the business organization residing in Kentucky.

Conway is attempting to lose the Obamacare label attempting to use the extremist Democrat tactic they've used for many years by saying Paul wants to "force seniors to pay more for basic health care." He adds that makes Paul "out of step with Kentucky values."

That's only because Paul has the courage to address the issue, and admits there will ultimately be a shortfall, and that could push the costs of Medicare up in order to combat it. Anyone that says something different is either a liar or clueless.

Conway is the extremist who doesn't represent Kentucky values, as the majority of the state opposed Obamacare and Obama's radical agenda. We don't need another politician in that mold being voted into office.

It's good to see business-friendly and limited government candidates being in place to vote for.

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