Thursday, August 12, 2010

Investors Flee to Gold For Safety as Economy is in Shambles

Very few people seem willing to admit the U.S. and global economy is under extreme pressure. Investors know it though, and fled to gold as a safe haven today, pushing gold futures up to their highest level in eight weeks.

The words "unexpected" continue to come from economic writers concerning jobless claims rising, Europe not being as strong as asserted, and China's production falling.

Even today economic writers use terms like the "recovery is slowing," as if there ever really was an economic recovery.

Jobless claims climbed to a five-month high today, while industrial production in Europe and China both fell. In the case of China, it plummeted to an 11-month low.

This doesn't include the horrid sovereign debt crisis of Europe, which is being ignored or covered up by the mainstream press, who seem to believe a few turns of the knob over and everything was magically turned around.

Governments and the press seem to be attempting to hold up the global economy by wishful thinking and Disney-like hopes and dreams, rather than the harsh realities that should be brought out into the open so it can be understood and prepared for by people.

The fact that the Federal Reserve "changed it mind" concerning dropping its monetary stimulus points to the real condition of the economy. They committed to doing whatever it takes to deal with the weak economic conditions recently, again revealing there are extreme concerns about what is really happening.

Gold investors should rejoice, as the Treasury and Federal Reserve can't help themselves. They're going to continue to print money and buy U.S. debt in efforts to artificially prop up the economy.

What don't they get about it not working in the recent past? How much they going spend? Two trillion this time?

Either way, they are going to do the very predictable, and we can count on that. That means gold prices are going to take off again, as they have today.

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