Tuesday, August 31, 2010

BP's (NYSE:BP) Advertising Budget is None of Government's Business

When the Congressional Committee on Energy and Commerce sent BP (NYSE:BP) a letter demanding they tell them how much they have spent on advertising since the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, they far exceeded their authority, and it isn't any of their business.

One number has been thrown out by the Telegraph, a British newspaper, saying they're spending at least $1 million a week on advertising at this time.

The BP advertising isn't promotional, but assurances they're going to stick it through and clean up the mess. People want to know about the impact on their lives, not where to buy BP products at this time.

It's irrelevant how much BP is spending, as they've already set aside billions for claims and cleanup efforts, and how they go about restoring confidence or their brand, and what they commit to paying for it isn't the business of any government entity.

If the government continues this overreach, they'll start to be considered the villains, as they'll be rightly perceived as bullies and exceeding their legal mandate, rather than being a help to the situation.

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