Friday, April 2, 2010

Canada: Ignore Oilsands Critics

Canada Oilsands

The attempt by leftist liberal socialist to paint Canada's oilsands region as a threat to the environment has no proof behind it whatsover, and the idea they'r contributing to the increasingly dubious and fictional idea of climate change, must be resisted by the people in the provence and its politicians.

This is nothing more than envy and attacks by those who know nothing of what's going on, and it doesn't bother them to lie outright about it to the world in order to manipulate their own agendas.

Recent exposure of the hoax of climate change from hacked e-mails has proven there is no science behind the assertions of climate change, and is a religion and belief system rather than based on empirical evidence.

My suggestion is for Canada to ignore oilsands critics and keep working to supply the world its energy needs and help people keep good jobs.

The strategy of these critics is obvious, which is to harass and pressure so much they force companies and governments to change their policies and practices to such a level that it almost becomes economically impossible to extract the oil at prices which can be afforded.

Then the wet dream of the liberal socialists is to supposedly supplant it with clean energy sources, which aren't even close to existing in quantities to meet demand, or would cost so much it the poor couldn't afford it. That's why they're attempting to change policies in order to increase prices so their substitutes will seem affordable to consumers.

Canada, I hope you don't fall for this lie and continue to do the good job in the oilsands.

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