Friday, December 19, 2008

Jim Rogers Giving Clinic on Identifying and Solving Economic Crisis Part 2 of 5

Points covered in video:

Paulson and Bernanke either incompetent or lying

Wrong every time they open their mouths

Washington a place where they aren't accountable for being right or wrong

People not credit worthy in many cases bought several houses with no money down

Banks started doing the same with car loans, credit cards and student loans

With those excesses, something will have to give and get cleaned up, government won't allow the cleanup

Don't need more regulations, have enough

Regulated companies causing problem

Alan Greenspan has said derivatives are good

If Greenspan had let people fail in the 1990s, we wouldn't be going through problems we are today

Incompetent would have been gone

He wouldn't let them fail then, as they're not letting them fail today

So incompetent will remain

Refused to let free market work and intervened by not allowing them to fail

Greenspan was vastly overrated - part of the problem

Bernanke doesn't understand markets or finance

People must be held accountable by allowing them to fail

Have to be allowed to learn from mistakes, not be propped up in spite of them

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

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