Friday, November 14, 2008

Commodities: Global Economic Summit

Ron Paul on the Troubling Global Economic Summit

Talking about the upcoming Global Economic Summit which probably will do nothing but cause more problems in the global economy, Ron Paul reveals his concerns and the folly what will eventually emerge from the countries involved.

Rather than take the opportunity to lead and make a real change for the better by promoting balanced budgets, sound money and less spending, America will probably go along and encourage some type of version of an international central bank, which in Paul's words would be "a horror."

What that will result in is more regulation and controls. It will do nothing to fix the real problems, but perpetuate the old ones.

Here's the video:

The Global Economic Summit will do nothing to help commodities, in the end, as usual, it'll just prolong the temporary lull in commodities being moved forward by the market.

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